Our plants

make the difference.

Native Plants From Source Identified Seed

Our Seed Sources

At Wright Nursery Ltd, we collect seeds from identified sites; meaning, we track and record all of our seed sources. Source-identified seeds can make the difference between success and failure of a project. Native plants are those that have adapted to the complex conditions in a specific location. The closer the seed source is to a project, the better adapted the plants are.


Seed Sourcing

Seed collection is something we take very seriously and love doing. Our tried, tested and true seed sources range from the South-Eastern slopes of the Rocky Mountains, the transition areas of the foothills, and the South-Eastern Badlands and Prairie ecosystems. We have expanded our range over the last 10 years into the Aspen Parkland which covers most of West-Central Alberta, and would love to continue exploring and expanding North into the Boreal forest.

For details on seed source, please inquire. If you are interested in a certain seed source for your project we are happy to chat about the availability.

How we grow:

At Wright Nursery we carefully consider our growing practices to ensure that our plants are destined for success. We also believe it is our duty to responsibly manage and foster the land we grow on.

We believe that strong plants start with healthy soil. We use low-till methods and love mulch, and create compost on site to amend our beds. Our methods support and encourage the mycorrhizal and bacterial communities that create a healthy ecosystem.

Seedlings that germinate and grow in the soil show superior resilience and vigor. These seedlings are dug in the spring and transplanted to containers to root in for shipping. Some species in the seedbeds can be dug and shipped bareroot, which also has advantages for the buyer.

Some species do better or can be produced faster by seeding directly into plug trays or containers. We are using 200ml plugs for most species. This gives us plants with robust root systems and good size for shipping. All of our container-grown species are germinated, grown and held outdoors, providing a built-in hardiness. Any remaining plants at the end of the season successfully overwinter in their containers - with no additional protections, like stacking, wrapping or blankets.