Information About Seedling Availability and Pricing

Some useful information before you take a look at the availability list

Pricing: We did not include pricing on the list, as it would depend on the number of plants you order. For custom grow orders, we will need a certain amount of down payment in percentage at the time of a firm order. This may not be refundable if the order is cancelled or abandoned. To inquire about prices for the upcoming season (or the future season if custom-ordered), please contact us by phone or email at

Sometimes, there are two seed sources listed for some plants: SA for Southern Alberta and CA for Central Alberta. Although we have not separated the plants with both sources for this year, we will do so in the near future for some clarity. Right now, we have some of each if there is a number listed. We are in year three right now, so you will see some separation as time progresses and as we get into full production. This will make your planning and ordering simpler. For now, please call for details and numbers.

We are also growing plants in two different methods: plug production and seedbed production. Some of the conifers will be available as bare-root seedlings directly from the seedbeds. These seedlings are only available in the spring. Other plants will be available in plug form, which currently comes in either a 170-ml styroblock or a 200-ml variant from T.O. Plastics. We will probably be growing the bulk of our plugs in the 38” x 200” T.O. Plastics plug eventually. After two years of trial, these plugs will have given us some very robust plants with good root systems, 5-inch deep root systems, and a 200-ml bulk that we feel is the best for adaptation to field or project.

Our seedbed-produced plants have some advantages as well. The first is the vigor of the seedling, as well as the native or natural incorporation of mycorrhizal fungi. We let nature to take care of this process on its own, so this happens without additional magic potions or chemicals. Some of the plants from the seedbeds are transplanted into plugs in the spring, giving us mobile plants that are ready for shipping by the end of summer for early fall plantings.